80.6077° W
cape Canaveral
launched 2024

launched 2023

108.2772° E
launched 2024

Worldwide real-time data
Atmo collects Earth’s weather measurement data in real-time from the vast majority of weather satellites, ground stations, radars and ocean buoys. Our AI models use this data to continuously refine forecasts and improve their forecasting ability.

Lightning-fast forecasts
Weather changes fast. Atmo AI weather models deliver forecasts even faster. Up to 40,000 times quicker than traditional models.

Accuracy, elevated
Atmo is up to 50% more accurate than today’s most advanced forecasts across major prognostic and diagnostic variables, for time scales ranging from nowcasting (24 hours) to medium-range (14 days).
Extreme Resolution
Nano-climates Revealed
Atmo delivers forecasts with up to 100 times greater detail. With models as fine as 1km by 1km, Atmo offers unprecedented clarity in predicting weather for microclimates within larger climates.
Trusted globally: at work for governments, militaries, and industries. Atmo is trusted by the most sophisticated customers, including the United States Air Force, Navy and the Philippines national government, to deliver forecasts that are rigorously proven, in live production, and specially tailored to challenging environments.
28.3922° N, 80.6077° W

We’re a growing team of engineers, scientists and meteorologists, on a mission to empower government and industry leaders with superior weather prediction tools to protect their citizens and assets, and harness the power of nature.
Join our team